Tampa Remodeling Tips for the Future!

Here are some home remodeling tips which can “future-proof” your Tampa home!

Never skimp on the insulation.

In our modern age, there are multiple forms of insulation, many of which are marketed to the public as “green.”  These include soy-based foams, recycled newspaper and even denim.  Aim for the highest thermal resistance, a bigger number will mean better insulation against the elements.  Pay particular attention to all exterior walls, a crawlspace or an attic.

Blanket insulation is often the least expensive option, the drawback being that it must be trimmed to fit around pipes and fixtures.  The fitting process leaves spaces susceptible to air leaks.

Loose-fill insulation made of fiberglass and cellulose can flow better around pipes and other obstructions in the dwelling.  Spray-in foam can do a particularly good job and it will not settle or sag over time, though the price is significantly higher.  Many are still urethane-based, but manufacturers are beginning to substitute petroleum content with soybean material.

Find formaldehyde-free options for kitchen cabinets.

Inquire whether kitchen cabinets contain added urea formaldehyde, which has been used as an adhesive in some pressed-wood products.  Formaldehyde is a human carcinogen, and it is suggested by the National Cancer Institute that buyers should ask about the formaldehyde content of kitchen cabinets.

Mainstream wood-product manufacturers are adjusting their product lines, developing cabinetry boxes with no added formaldehyde.

Build a media room that is prepared for the future.

Make sure a media room is designed to meet the future of home technology.  Wiring should be able to support a centrally located media distribution system that feeds internet access, films, games and music to the rest of your home.  Can you control lighting, security and the thermostat from a touch screen or remotely from a cell phone or tablet?

The days of making sure you had enough outlets to run the television, video device and stereo are now in the past.  Advancing home automation technology is creeping into every corner, meaning there will be a point when home appliances will efficiently notify you with a text message when the refrigerator malfunctions.

The professionals from Rossi Construction, Inc. are prepared to help you remodel your home with a better future in mind.  Call 813.436.0177 to schedule a free consultation!