The 4 Undeniable Benefits of Kitchen Remodeling and Design

Every year, $47 billion dollars are spent on home renovation projects in the United States, and 69% of these home improvement projects are kitchen renovations. And considering the benefits of kitchen remodeling and design, it comes as no surprise. If you plan on undertaking a kitchen renovation project but haven’t contacted a residential renovation contractor yet, here are 4 compelling reasons why you should remodel your kitchen today:

Kitchen Renovations Increase Your Home Value

A typical kitchen remodeling job, including new cabinets, appliances, refurbished counters, hardware, flooring and paint cost a nationwide average of $18,856. While this may seem like a pretty penny, kitchen remodeling and design can yield a return of investment (ROI) from anywhere between 75-100%. A new, up-to-date kitchen with modern appliances and quality design and construction is extremely appealing to a potential buyer, and will make your home worth more in the long run.

They Improve Your Health and Cooking Skills

With the hustle and bustle of everyday life, enjoying a healthy, home cooked meal can be difficult if things aren’t made easy for you. When your kitchen is out of date, broken down, and lacks the proper appliances to prepare meals quickly and efficiently, it can act as a true deterrent to cooking and a dependency on unhealthy takeout.Kitchen remodeling and design can help to create a beautiful yet efficient environment that invites easy meal preparation, resulting in better health in the long-term and a chance to spruce up those culinary skills!

A Remodel Can Create A Safer Home

Outdated appliances and hardware can pose major safety threats for your home. For example, if your refrigerator is not functioning properly, your food may be at insufficient temperatures and continually unsafe to eat. If your electric burner is damaged or outdated, this could be a threat to fire safety, as well as the safety of those operating the burner. Home renovation services are experts in assessing the quality and effectiveness of your current appliances, and should be able to help you find the hardware and appliances that are safest and most effective for your kitchen.

Kitchens Create Lasting Memories

The kitchen is a space within the home where family members can come together, eat, laugh, share meals, and create memories that will last a lifetime. If you so choose to undergo kitchen remodeling and design, you have the power to create a space that will facilitate family bonding while creating new memories and traditions.

At the end of the day, your home kitchen renovation project should be convenient, energy efficient, cost effective, and of the utmost quality.